Places of the Inter-Testament
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The Bridge to the New Testament
A Comprehensive Guide to the
Forgotten Years of the Inter-Testament Period
The time between the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament was approximately 420 years. Our Bible-study classes rarely cover this “forgotten” time, yet it was the inter-testament period that produced many of the institutions, values, and perceptions that we have today. These are critical to our understanding of the New Testament, so it is difficult to fully appreciate it if knowledge is limited of the previous four centuries.
Through figures, tables, photos, and maps, we tell the history of the inter-testament, woven in amongst the stories of kings, tyrants, and peasants. The complex series of events that led to the opening pages of the New Testament were simply orchestrated one-by-one by the people of the inter-testament who did their part, good or bad, to contribute to their society.
What happened “between the testaments,” before the birth of Jesus? What is the back-story of his world? Who was Herod the Great, and what influence did he have during this time? Why were the Jewish high priest, Joseph Caiaphas, and the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, so powerful during the time of Jesus’s trials? What events gave birth to the sects of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Which empires and rulers controlled Judea during this period? We answer these questions and much more in The Bridge to the New Testament:
• Old Testament Survey
• Alexander the Great and His Successors
• The Roman Republic and Its Notable Leaders
• The Greek, Ptolemaic, and Seleucid Empires
• The Maccabean and Hasmonean Dynasties
• The Prefects, Procurators, Kings, Governors, and Legates of Judea
• Herod the Great and the Herodian Dynasty
• Jewish and Roman Calendars & Timekeeping
• Science and Engineering of the Period
• The Roman Empire, Its Military, and Its Emperors
• The Jewish Temples and Temple Mounts
• Apocryphal and Religious Writings of the Period
• Money of the Inter-Testament
• The Sects, Politics, and Institutions of the Jews
• Jewish High Priests
• The Genealogies of Jesus
• The Roman Conquest of Jerusalem and Masada
• Life in Ancient Times
• The Spread of the Gospel by the Apostles
Check out some excerpts from the main book and the answer book, including the entire table of contents and index.
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